Custom category menu navigation in Magento

Magento has its top menu reserved for category navigation. It’s pretty solid for displaying categories, even when there is a large number of them.

The layout
Open app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/page.xml or your theme’s equivalent.
Place the following code under 
default tag:

<reference name="right">
     <block type="core/template" name="catalog.sidenav" template="page/custom.phtml" before="cart_sidebar"/>
This will tell Magento to load our template on each page that supports a layout with a right column.
Now, let’s create our template file.

The template

What we need to do is go through all of the store’s categories, get their subcategories (2nd level), sub-subcategories (3rd level) and display them. In the process we need to look for a case when the ID of the category in our list matches the ID of a current category. When we find it – we’ll make it bold.
Create app/design/frontend/base/default/template/page/custom.phtml with the following content:

        $obj = new Mage_Catalog_Block_Navigation();
        $storeCategories = $obj->getStoreCategories();
        Mage::registry('current_category') ? $currentCategoryId = Mage::registry('current_category')->getId() : $currentCategoryId='';
        foreach ($storeCategories as $_category):
                <strong><?php echo $_category->getName(); ?></strong>
                <?php $categoryChildren = $_category->getChildren(); ?>
                <?php if($categoryChildren->count()) : ?>
                        <?php foreach($categoryChildren as $_categoryChild) : ?>
                            <?php $_categoryChildModel = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categoryChild->getId());?>
                            <?php $categoryGrandchildren=$_categoryChild->getChildren(); ?>
                                    $currentCategoryId===$_categoryChild->getId() ? $bold="style=\"font-weight:bold\"" : $bold='';
                                    echo '&emsp;' . '<a href="' . $_categoryChildModel->getUrl() . '"' . $bold . '>' .  $_categoryChild->getName() . '(' . $_categoryChildModel->getProductCollection()->count() . ')</a>';
                            <?php if($categoryGrandchildren->count()) : ?>
                                <?php foreach($categoryGrandchildren as $_categoryGrandchild) : ?>
                                    <?php $_categoryGrandchildModel = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categoryGrandchild->getId());?>
                                            $currentCategoryId===$_categoryChild->getId() ? $bold="style=\"font-weight:bold\"" : $bold='';
                                            echo '&emsp;&emsp;' . '<a href="' . $_categoryGrandchildModel->getUrl() . '"' . $bold . '>' .  $_categoryGrandchild->getName() . '(' . $_categoryGrandchildModel->getProductCount() . ')</a>';
                                <?php endforeach; ?>
                            <?php endif; ?>
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach ?>

You can also insert this template to any other page by coding a layout update or via admin, by inserting this line as content of your CMS page:
{{block type="core/template" template="page/custom.phtml"}}

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