If you want to remove any Block from you home page, cart
page or Product view page it’s so simple
just go to your layout folder find
your xml file and add remove following method for exp see below.We are going to remove Pool Block from “Product view page” and home page. I am currently using “2-columns-right” template for my home
page so follow these steps :-
Step 1 :- Go to
your \app\design\frontend\<your theme package>\<your theme>\layout\poll.xml
and now open “poll.xml” add
following code between </layout> code….</layout>.
<!-- Remove poll
block from product view page --> <catalog_product_view> <!--- You can
find this in catlog.xml -> <reference name="right"> <action
method="unsetChild"><name>right.poll</name></action> </reference> </catalog_product_view><!--remove poll
block from page two columns right page--> <page_two_columns_right> <!--- You
can find this in page.xml -> <reference name="right"> <action
method="unsetChild"><name>right.poll</name></action> </reference> </page_two_columns_right>
By using same method you can remove your block another
method to disable your module block follow these steps .
Step 1 :- Go to
Your admin and then Go System and click on drop down menu Configuration and find Advance
from left side bottom click on it.
Step 2 :- Click
on Disable Module Output find your module for example I am disabling poll
module “Mage_Poll” uncheck the box now select disable from drop down and now
click on save config button.
Now go to your website and refresh it you will see the