How to Setup multiple Store in Magento

Please Follow these steps to create  multiple Store  in Magento.
Step 1:- Login in admin panel Go to Catalog and click on manage categories.
Step 2:- Now click on Add Root Category button.
Step 3:- On general information page fill name for category For example:-
Name = arunstore,
Is Active = Yes
Page Title = Arun store
Include in Navigation Menu = Yes

Remove sidebar content block In Magento.

If you want to remove any Block from you home page, cart page or Product view page  it’s so simple just go to your layout folder find your xml file and add remove following method for exp see below.We are going to remove Pool Block from “Product view page” and home page. I am currently using “2-columns-right” template for my home page so follow these steps :-

Step 1 :- Go to your \app\design\frontend\<your theme package>\<your theme>\layout\poll.xml and now open “poll.xml” add following code between </layout> code….</layout>.
<!-- Remove poll block from product view page -->                 <catalog_product_view> <!--- You can find this in catlog.xml  ->                  <reference name="right">                 <action method="unsetChild"><name>right.poll</name></action>                </reference>                </catalog_product_view><!--remove poll block from page two columns right page-->                 <page_two_columns_right> <!--- You can find this in page.xml  ->                   <reference name="right">                 <action method="unsetChild"><name>right.poll</name></action>                </reference>                 </page_two_columns_right>

By using same method you can remove your block another method to disable your module block follow these steps .

Step 1 :- Go to Your admin  and then Go System and click on drop down menu Configuration  and find Advance from left side bottom click on it.
Step 2 :- Click on Disable Module Output find your module for example I am disabling poll module “Mage_Poll” uncheck the box now select disable from drop down and now click on save config button.
Now go to your website and refresh it you will see the change.

How to get important url in Magento

First of all we will present you how to get skin url, get media url, get base url, get store url to retrieve an URL path in STATIC BLOCK

1. How to Get skin url

ANSWER: {{skin url=’images/sampleimage.jpg’}}

2. How to Get media url

ANSWER: {{media url=’/sampleimage.jpg’}}

How to Display all products on homepage in Magneto

Today I will show you how to display all the products of a Magento store on its HomePage. This can be used also to display all the products on a particular page or maybe a custom Page.

Step 1: Login into your Magento Admin Dashboard;
Step 2: Go to: CMS -> Pages -> And choose Home Page;
Step 3: Now you must see the some edit options which will be applied for the HomePage.
Step 4: Go to: Contet Tab from left;
Step 5: Add following snippet in the WYSIWYG (As know as “What You See Is What You Get”);
{{block type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

Final: Now you must be able to see all the products on your homepage.

How to make a module to interact with database in magento

How to make a module in Magento to show data in front end.

Step 1:-

Go to your magento root directory   and create File’s and folders:-

1.       Create a xml configuration file in magento\app\etc\modules\Summer_Spring.xml.
2.       Create a namespace Folder under named “Summer” where “Summer” is namespace for our module magento\app\code\local\Summer.
3.       Create a Module folder under our namespace folder named with Spring so now we have module magento\app\code\local\Summer\Spring.
4.       Under our module we have to create five new folder’s  and relative files:-
 A)  etc/config.xml.
 B) controller/ IndexController.php     (controller name should start in lower case).
C)   Block/Index.php   (Block name should start in lower case).
D)  Helper / Data.php  Block name should start in lower case).
E)  Model/ Spring.php  Block name should start in lower case).
F)  Model/ Mysql4/ Spring.php
G)  Model/ Mysql4/ Spring/ Collection.php
5.       Under  Your theme section you have to create a config file For template. So create this file in magento\app\design\frontend\<Your theme package >\<Your theme>\layout\spring.xml
6.       Now create a folder in magento\app\design\frontend\<Your theme package >\<Your theme>\template\spring
7.       Now under “spring” create a file index.phtml
Ok now we have created all the files and folders for our Module. So let’s start coding
8.       First Open Summer_Spring.xml. and add the following code in this file and save it