Copy and paste this code in your function.php file
[postPage_include postidparam="1234"]
"1234" would be the WordPress ID of the Page you are
Method for use in post or page in template :-
echo do_shortcode( '[postPage_include postidparam="1234"]' );
<?php function digwp_includeContentShortcode($atts) { $thepostid = intval($atts[postidparam]); $output = ''; query_posts("p=$thepostid&post_type=page"); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $output .= get_the_content($post->ID); endwhile; else: // failed, output nothing endif; wp_reset_query(); return $output; } // USAGE /* In the post content, you can use [postPage_include postidparam="1234"] "1234" would be the WordPress ID of the Page you are trying to include */ add_shortcode("postPage_include", "digwp_includeContentShortcode"); ?>Method for use in post or page in back-end :-
[postPage_include postidparam="1234"]
"1234" would be the WordPress ID of the Page you are
Method for use in post or page in template :-
echo do_shortcode( '[postPage_include postidparam="1234"]' );