How to show costum sidebar in wordpress template



 * Template Name: Home Page Template


get_header(); ?>

Make plugin using shortcode in wordpress to display database information


 * Plugin Name:user info

 * Plugin URI:

 * Description: this plugin will be display data from database you can use this shortcode any where

 * Author:Arunendra Pratap rai


 function display()


global $wpdb;

$sql ="select * from `first_projectposts` where `post_type` = 'DisplayPost'";

$query = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

echo '';

foreach($query as $data){

$id = $data->ID;   $fname=$data->post_title;       $lname=$data->post_status;    $email=$data->post_type;  $pass=$data->post_name;

echo '';


echo '
idfirst nameLast nameemail idPassword
'; } add_shortcode( 'short_code', 'display' ); // you can use any unique name for short code ?>
USAGE :- in post or page use :-
[short_code] In template use:-
<?php echo do_shortcode('[short_code]') ?>

Wordpress install and uninstall plugin table during activation and deactivation of plugin


Plugin Name: sample plugin

Plugin URI: http://URI_Of_Page_Describing_Plugin_and_Updates

Description: This plugin is used to add youtube embeded video code and show video in widgets.

Version: 2.1

Author: Arunendra Pratap Rai

Author URI: http://URI_Of_The_Plugin_Author

License: A "Slug" license name e.g. GPL2


register_activation_hook(__FILE__,'pro_install'); // table installation hook

register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__ , 'pro_uninstall' ); //table uninstallation hook

function pro_install()


    global $wpdb;

    $table = wp_."table_name";

    $structure = "CREATE TABLE $table (


        fname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

        lname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,


    UNIQUE KEY id (id)



      // Populate table

    $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $table(id,fname,lname)

        VALUES('1', 'arunendra','Pratap rai')");


function pro_uninstall()


    global $wpdb;

    $table = wp_."table_name";

    $structure = "drop table if exists $table";



PHP Interview Question Answer

1) What is PHP.?

PHP is a web language based on scripts that allows developers to dynamically create generated web pages.

2) What does the initials of PHP stand for.?

PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

3) Which programming language does PHP resemble to.?

PHP syntax resembles Perl and C

4) What does PEAR stands for.?

PEAR means “PHP Extension and Application Repository”. it extends PHP and provides a higher level of programming for web developers.

5) What is the actually used PHP version.?

Version 5 is the actually used version of PHP.

6) How do you execute a PHP script from the command line.?

Just use the PHP command line interface (CLI) and specify the file name of the script to be executed as follows:

php script.php
7) How to run the interactive PHP shell from the command line interface.?